Milano Yachting Week
Meteomed Race
Meteomed Race: weather service for regattas
The Meteomed Race service was born from the need to consolidate and optimize through a scientific approach strategic choices during professional sailing races. The outcome of a sports performance depends on three factors: technique, mental approach and strategy.
Meteomed supports teams and committees inanalyzing physical-environmental dynamics in the bidding context for strategy development. Technology in the field of forecasting is now highly developed and constantly evolving, but there are too many natural variables to fit into a confined package of mathematical calculations-each location has specificities that define a microclimate that may not fit into general models. By knowing the local environmental characteristics, it is possible to refine the weather forecast and thus have a complete overview of the physical phenomena that can affect racing tactics.
Essential element, however, remains the competent human component. Using an experienced environmental analysis consultant for racing strategy, either on board or remotely, is critical for sailing choices, for figuring out which part of the “course” to favor, but also for choosing which sails to race with. Knowing how much canvas to bring on board and which ones to keep ready by anticipating the arrival of a weather phenomenon means possessing an edge over opponents who rely only on their own experience.
Weather-marine consulting is the real competitive advantage. It will enable you to sail in total safety, properly set your equipment, mitigate some of the stress of racing, understand in detail the characteristics of the race course, study the best strategy and, thus, improve performance.
Meteomed Race service is also deliverable in non-Mediterranean context.
Theoffer is structured as follows:
- Top Race – consulting dedicated to the world of racing;
- Top Race Route – regatta routing;
- Top Race Strategy – Weather Strategist on board.
Meteomed Race – TOP RACE
The TOP RACE service allows the client to serve as a dedicated racing consultant.
- Direct Call with the forecaster before going out to sea;
- Sending SMS/email with the day’s weather/marine info before going out to sea;
- Sending satellite text messages several times a day (3 updates) with info for long races;
- Evening debriefing with analysis of the completed day and directions for the next one.
Meteomed Race – TOP RACE ROUTE
The TOP RACE ROUTE package, adds to the previous features the ability to perform race routing (Meteorotte). The tool was designed to identify the ideal route with respect to the expected conditions, which were then also analyzed along the entire route. The service complements the navigator’s presence on board: for proper route management, there must be smooth communication between the consultant and the responsible crew figures.
The TOP RACE STRATEGIST option includes a Weather Strategist on board, an all-around sailor, a specialist in natural phenomena that affect navigation. He has strategic and meteorological skills in navigation science and marine and atmospheric sciences.
The strategist analyzes the synoptic situation associated with local thermal and orographic effects and surface current to achieve the racing objective in the shortest possible time. Continuously observing the race course, he constantly updates information on weather developments while sailing and offers his expert advice in choosing which sails and areas of the race course to prefer or avoid.
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