Milano Yachting Week
Meteomed Marinas
Meteomed Marinas:
Meteomed Marinas is the marine weather forecast service intended for Yacht Clubs, Marinas and their frequent visitors, constantly updated by our operations room.
Through this product, marinas guarantee added value and advantageous offers to their customers: for Marina customers we reserve a 20% discount on the purchase of any Meteomed subscription, while for Yacht Club members who join we offer 8 days of Premium subscription discounted by 100%.
Meteomed Marinas package includes:
- Monitor Service: active 24h/24h, makes marine weather information available on maps at different zoom levels (Satellite, Synoptic, Wind, Sea, Marine Weather Alerts).*
- Access to the platform with an account for management use where they can consult weather maps, synoptic tables for ports, and satellite images.
- Ports Weather Info Service: synoptic bulletin to be printed and posted on the bulletin board next to the TV monitor.
- PDF Light Marine Weather Report: single-page bulletin specially created to provide a quick analysis of the marine weather situation in a specific maritime area. Wind and sea curves will immediately highlight the presence of alerts.
- Alert Service Activation: sending alerts for all sea areas of interest to a predefined phone number (alerts: exceeded wind threshold, exceeded sea threshold, and thunderstorm).
- Direct communication with the operations room: our 20 professional and certified meteorologists are on call 7 days a week.
- Integration of Meteomed Marinas service on the Marina siro internet.
*minimum requirements are a next-generation smart TV with a minimum resolution of 1366×768 (HD ready) connected to an ADSL Internet network of not less than 7mb real.
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