Where travelers can book boat stays and experiences
Letyourboat – the number one site for boating vacations
Letyourboat is the number one marketplace for nautical tourism that allows you to experience year-round boating stays better than hotels. Unlike competitors who offer only charter cruises we also offer stays in boats moored in marinas and experiences to experience and discover the area and this means for the customer accessibility. Bed&Boat: sleeping on a boat is no longer a dream.
Letyourboat is a site that connects boat owners, charter companies, and tourism service providers with travelers for booking boat stays and experiences.
- If you are a traveler with Letyourboat.com you can book unforgettable stays aboard boats, choosing from hundreds of locations and boats of all types, as well as other tourist services available in the area. Discover the Bed&Boat! Sleep on a boat better than in a hotel!
- If you are a boat owner or charter company with Letyourboat.com you will be able to create and manage your listing for free and receive direct bookings with guaranteed payments in a simple, secure and transparent way. The Bed&Boattimode allows carefree year-round earnings while keeping the boat stationary at the dock.
- If you are a Marina, Letyourboat.com is your best ally to expand your business, increase your visibility and sell the services you offer.
Letyourboat for travelers
Letyourboat lets you experience your tourist destinations from a different perspective. With Bed&Boat (sleeping on a boat at the mooring) you stay on a boat better than in a hotel all year round. A unique experience of experiencing the charm and atmosphere that only a boat, equipped with the best amenities, can offer. LetyourBoat is the solution that allows you to stay on exceptional boats in the heart of some of the most beautiful marinas in the world. From Varazze with its colorful houses to Sorrento, from Gallipoli to Cannigione, from Komolac, Croatia, to the marina of the golden Principality of Monaco.
For shipowners and charter companies
Letyourboat works alongside shipowners and charters to support them in making their fleets visible and receive bookings year-round. Our action is aimed at making our clients discover the allure of being able to have an experience on a boat and make money for boat owners and charter companies. With the Bed&Boat formula, you can create listings for free in a few simple clicks and make money year-round by hosting on board without having to leave your moorings. There are millions of travelers looking for this experience.
For Marina and Boat Operators
Letyourboat has created a unique business model that creates value for the entire boating ecosystem. Letyourboat aims to broaden a hitherto highly seasonal business, protecting the interests of marinas, shipowners and all those involved in the industry. In fact, Letyourboat becomes the strategic partner of any Marina that intends to expand its business, overcome seasonality and attract tourism.
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They talk about us:
- FORBES: https://forbes.it/2021/08/20/letyourboat-il-marketplace-del-turismo-nautico-di-lusso/
- THE SUN 24 HOURS: https://stream24.ilsole24ore.com/video/italia/soggiorno-originale-o-mini-crociera-arriva-letyourboat-una-vacanza-covid-free/AEMnIXG
- REPUBLIC: https://www.repubblica.it/viaggi/2021/05/28/news/da_amalfi_a_portofino_dalle_eolie_alla_sardegna_com_e_bello_noleggiare_una_barca_e_usarla_come_un_b_b-303163065/
- ALL BOATS: https://www.tuttobarche.it/magazine/blue-marina-awards.html
- VANITY FAIR: https://www.vanityfair.it/viaggi-traveller/notizie-viaggio/2019/09/24/letyourboat-ora-si-affitta-la-cabina-di-un-mega-yacht
- NAUTICAL: https://www.nautica.it/noleggio-barche/bed-boat-dormire-in-porto-come-in-hotel/
- SKY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF_espg2tao&t=5s
- AGORAS RAI3: https://www.facebook.com/w.vassallo/videos/10158257172712544
- AGORAS RAI3: https://youtu.be/CpIfuw1X0p8
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