There is a solution to always being informed about the status of your boat, whether you are a boat...
Archive for category: Security, Communication and Rescue
Milano Yachting Week
Don’t let the weather ruin your vacation, trust the professionals!
Federico Rossi, , Security, Communication and Rescue, Meteomed, 0Weather is a serious thing! Don’t risk ruining your vacation There is one aspect of boating life that should...
Ecco la scelta migliore per assicurare la barca prima dell’estate
Federico Rossi, , Security, Communication and Rescue, David Assicurazioni, 0Esiste un’assicurazione che protegge la barca in qualsiasi situazione? Sì, e la potete trovare alla Milano Yachting Week. In...
With Nauticoncept you never get off your boat. Even at home
Federico Rossi, , Security, Communication and Rescue, milano yachting week, Nauticoncept, 0At Milano Yachting Week – The Digital Boat Show there are not only boats and accessories, but also the...
What are you missing for the summer? Here you will find the latest in boat electronics
Federico Rossi, , Security, Communication and Rescue, milano yachting week, Navico, 0Never as this year there are interesting novelties to have on board your boat this summer. News that...
So the electronics help you fish better (and you have more fun)!
Federico Rossi, , Security, Communication and Rescue, Lowrance, milano yachting week, Navico, 0To fish at sea you need technique, experience, a little luck and good electronics! At Milano Yachting Week today...
Want to make your sailboat “run”? Here are the right tools
Federico Rossi, , Security, Communication and Rescue, milano yachting week, Navico, 0At Milano Yachting Week – The digital Boat Show, our digital boat show, you’ll find the right electronics to...
Your boat’s electronics are already old. Find out how to renew it
MYW Team, , Security, Communication and Rescue, garmin marine, milano yachting week, 0Renew your boat, making it “up to date” or, better said, adapted to the times. How? With new accessories....
Boat fire: how to put it out even if you’re not on board
MYW Team, , Security, Communication and Rescue, Aerpro, milano yachting week, 0The fear of a boat fire is widespread among boaters. Today on the market there is a new system to...
The right fishing electronics for your boat
MYW Team, , Security, Communication and Rescue, garmin marine, milano yachting week, 015 What are the right electronics for a 7-meter boat according to Garmin? Click here to find out. At...
Fire on board the boat? So you turn it off even if you’re not there
MYW Team, , Security, Communication and Rescue, Aerpro, milano yachting week, secure 4 sea, 0Fire on board is a nightmare for many sailors. But as of today there is a technology, called Aerpro...