milano yachting weekAs in a physical boat show, the first week of the Milano Yachting Week – The digital Boat Show has been dedicated to the set up.

We “set up” stands, placed boats on the quay, interviewed company managers. And we will continue to do so for a year. Because this work is done online instead of physically. 21 people are working on it: their hands are busy writing on the keyboard instead of holding a screwdriver or a sponge.

Unlike a physical fair we are lucky enough to be able to put in a new stand every day with products, accessories, services, or put a boat on the dock. And so we are doing every day, completing our work with a virtual guide that every day indicates a product that is worth visiting.

The “screenshot” of visit data for the Milan Yachting Week on Google Analytics, in the period 15-27 September (taken at 9.50 a.m. on 28 September)


What numbers did MYW do while it was still under construction (in internet jargon it’s called the “beta” version)?

From 15 to 27 September (9.50 am on 28 September) 26,465 people visited 72,460 times products and boats. All this, we repeat, with a boat show still under construction.

59.17% of the visitors used their smartphone, 7.04% their tablet, 33.80% their desktop (i.e. they entered from their PC) to explore the Milano Yachting Week.

Those who used the desktop have the record number of products and boats seen, 11.45 per user, demonstrating that interactivity during the visit is enhanced by the use of a larger screen.

Once inside the MYW, you can have fun walking around the stands on land and in the water, just like in a real boat show. This is demonstrated by the very low percentage (0.31%) of what is technically called “bounce frequency”: the page opened “by mistake” and immediately closed. Those who visit the digital boat show do so for real. The average single visit time at Milan Yachting Week is very high for internet trends: 3 min and 43 seconds.

Every day Milano Yachting Week – The digital Boat Show is filled with new exhibitors: boats, accessories, services, events, the whole boating world.


Eugenio Ruocco
Author:Eugenio Ruocco


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