The time has come to put new horsepower into your boat’s engine. We are talking about the sails, the...
Archive for category: Sailing equipment
Milano Yachting Week
Perché conviene cambiare winch e avvolgifiocco. Le novità di Bamar e Harken
Federico Rossi, , Sailing equipment, Bamar, harken, 0Rinnovare la vostra barca, rendendola “updated” o per meglio dire adeguata ai tempi. Come? Con dei nuovi accessori. Abbiamo...
Come goderti lo spettacolo notturno del mare (e rendere la tua barca unica)
Federico Rossi, , Sailing equipment, Indemar, 0Girando per il Mediterraneo ci siamo resi conto che una delle nuove tendenze (soprattutto sulle barche più grandi, ma...
Compressed air or spring loaded. Which vang for your boat?
Federico Rossi, , Sailing equipment, Bamar, 0In a boat it is one of our great allies. We are talking about the vang, which allows to...
Mooring lines: which ones to choose and why Punto Nautico XL reveals it to you
Federico Rossi, , Sailing equipment, milano yachting week, Punto Nautico XL, 0The importance of mooring lines is often underestimated. And we find ourselves, in moments of difficulty, having to maneuver...
No more falls on deck. Three anti-slip solutions for your boat
Federico Rossi, , Sailing equipment, harken, Indemar, MarineCork, milano yachting week, 0At Milano Yachting Week – The Digital Boat Show, our digital show, you’ll find all the solutions for not...
There are six options for getting the right sails. Discover the one that’s right for you
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, Elvstrom Sails, 0The world of sails, the true engine of a sailboat, evolves to meet every need. Because not everyone uses...
Why to change winches and furlers. New products by Bamar and Harken
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, Bamar, harken, milano yachting week, 0Renew your boat, making it “up-to-date” or rather appropriate to the times. How? With new accessories. We searched for...
Faster than before with sails that last. Elvstrøm takes care of it!
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, Elvstrom, milano yachting week, 0The time has come to put new horsepower into your boat’s engine. We are talking about the sails, the...
Mooring lines: which ones to choose and why Punto Nautico XL reveals it to you
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, milano yachting week, Punto Nautico XL, 0The importance of mooring lines is often underestimated. And we find ourselves, in moments of difficulty, having to maneuver...
Today the electric winders are mounted on bowsprit. Thanks to this
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, Bamar, milano yachting week, 0At Milano Yachting Week – The digital Boat Show you will find the best deck equipment for your boat....
Throw away the metal backstay, textile is better. Thanks to Regatta
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, milano yachting week, Punto Nautico XL, 0At Milan Yachting Week – The digital boat show in the accessories pavilion you will find high technology applied...
The new generation of rollafing has arrived. Everything changes, find out how
MYW Team, , Sailing equipment, Bamar, milano yachting week, 0If you want to see what the present future of furlers is, at Milan Yachting Week – The digital...